So, spent yesterday in the Base hospital!! Had been spotting for about 3-4 days (just old brown blood again) but yesterday about 15 minutes after I'd gotten out of the shower, I was doing my make up still with my towel around me, and I felt fluid run down the inside of my leg. Looked, and it was a browny, dark yellowy coloured fluid - not spotting, but with the consistency of water. Of course, it bothered me, because of all the things that happened with the twins, that's the ONLY thing I actually remember happening about a week before I went into premature labour. I rang my OB office and spoke to the midwife Helen who told me to go straight to the hospital, she would ring them and advise them that I was on my way. I also had cramps in the front, lower part of my tummy, much like AF was on her way. So headed to the emergency department, and was taken in for checking. That was about 9:45am that I was admitted. I couldn't get in for a scan until about 3:45pm but in the meantime, they kept checking things like blood pressure, oxygen intake, temperature, and checking to see how fluid I'd lost.
I basically just laid in emergency for the day, only allowed to get up to go to the loo.
My boss came up to visit me, bring me expensive, glossy magazines and about 6 different types of lollies and chocolates from the newsagent! She's such a legend!!
Anyway, finally went in for a scan and they checked bub and my cervix and also the volume of fluid in my uterus. They said the cervix was fine, I had slightly low levels of amniotic fluid, but I may have been like that the while way - they hadn't measured that before, and the levels weren't dangerous so they'll just check that fortnightly with my cervix now. They also established that at the moment, my placenta is laying directly on top of my cervix. They suggest that MAY have been placing pressure on my cervix, but they said they'd be surprised if it didn't shift away from that position in the next 3-4 weeks. My blood pressure was also 90/50 for the day and that was even after I'd eaten.
They have sent me for 'confinement' for 4 days or so and see how I go! Driving me insane already, just cause you really aren't supposed to do anything!!! But I'll do whatever it takes to keep bub going along ok!
Have my fortnightly OB appointment next Tuesday so that's not far until I can get further reassurance that the rest is the right thing and all is ok....
On a positive note, it was wonderful to see Bub yesterday. It was wriggling it's fingers and hands around quite a bit and we saw it yawn and then the sonograph pointed out the fact that it had its tongue out!! Very cute!! It's got rather chubby cheeks now, very much like my sister had when she was born! I just can't wait until I get to about 27 or 28 weeks and then worst case scenario if I DID go into premature labour, the baby still has a great survival chance! Oh, cmon time, fly by!!!!!
Thanks to all my SWB friends who cheered me up with lovely messages yesterday too! I'd be lost without you lovely, awesome ladies xxxx
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