I'mn a little bit pissed off at the moment....I think I've moved from shocked, to hurt to now just a bit miffed!!! I have been accused of calorie counting and worrying about my waistline during this pregnancy and I just want to clear one thing up.....
You're right (you know who you are).... I DO want this baby more than anything else in the WHOLE world. I WOULD give an arm or a leg without a second thought if it came to it. I AM eternally grateful to whatever power above that has given me this gorgeous little gift inside me.....
BUT, and I mean BUT....... whilst I did talk about using the website Calorie King, it was for me to be used as a guide for health MANAGEMENT not weight loss. That point has sadly been lost in all of the hysteria.... I am eating things I don't normally, and something like calorie king enables me to gain a better understanding of what I'm putting in my mouth. And yes i DO go to the gym as much as physically possible because my OB gave me the all clear to do so. I have been either instructing aerobics classes or participating in them for going on 16 years and so because I have that history, I was given the ok to continue.
I hear so many TTCer's saying how TTC does their head in and they've spent so long concentrating on it, that they find it hard to just "let go" and get back to life they knew before TTC. Well, I'm the same with exercise and looknig after my health (which does include weight management). I can tell you, after 16 years of trying to be as fit as I can be, instructing classes, personal training, having an active interest in nutrition (which started with having a Mum with Coeliac), it's BLOODY hard to just stop and go back to life you knew BEFORE all that. Just like going back toi life before TTC.
So whilst I fully understand that I shouldn't be so worried about my waistline, my calories etc. it's all about looking after myself and Bub to the best of my ability. And if that person didn't jump the gun and shoot me down without really thinking about why I did what I did, then alot of this might have been avoided. I'm not having a personal dig at you, but you need to understand that I wasn't trying to LOSE weight, I was trying maintain a certain level of health which is very important to me. Every pregnancy book talks about how delivery and recovery and baby health can all be improved my maintaining good fitness and diet during your pregnancy. Please allow me to take this on board and don't judge me on that. I haven't judged anyone in the SWB group at all, and always done my best to look after both the UTDer's and the TTCer's alike. EVERYONE'S journey was important to me, and I'm sorry you thought I was so vain and insensitive that I didn't care..... please believe I'm not that person....
In regards to my current spotting problems, I did ask and so did DP several times if my gym classes can cause that and we were given resounding NO's every time we asked. I will take it easier from now, as bub really is the most important thing in my life. But no one can take away from me the personal desire to stay healthy for all of our sakes.
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