Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I MADE IT to full term and there isn't a happier or more relieve and gobsmacked person on the planet right now I don't think?!?!!? Well..... that's an unreasonable statement but you get the pciture!!!!! Today marks 37 weeks, the start of my 38th week and seriously....... I'm so excited I could cry!!!!!
Am so excited for all the girls who are about to pop! I keep checking my phone to see if I've gotten text messages from Lambchops or Kimnus and keep hoping each day will bring exciting news!!!!
Not long now!!!!

Have been away finalising stuff for our holiday house and DP and I are both knackered but thrilled with how it's turned out. It's nothing flash but it's ours and you gotta start somewhere right??

Braxton Hicks have been quite regular now. Probably getting about 2 or 3 an hour and they are more intense and lasting longer but far from regular or anything like that. They are more like period pain now and this morning I had one that woke me at 6am. Started like period pain then moved more to the back and felt like I had bad gastro cramps. I got up to go to the loo (just a wee, sorry TMI!!) and it passed so I guess they're just getting to that serious practice point now! My guess is that it's good and will help the uterus when game day arrives!! Not really got much else happening PG wise. Am tight as a drum in my tummy and I was reading last night that bub still puts on weight at  the moment but shouldn't really grow much in size and weight gain will slow up considerably. That's kinda good to be honest cause it feels like it's got no where else to go!!! Boobs feel "normal" and I've had no spotting or signs of bleeding or anything like that. Haven't really dropped in any way either but my OB said that because this isn't my first "child" or birth, that subsequent pregnancies often don't drop until the last minute so it may not happen until right before labour?!?! It's really just a wait and see thing at the moment. Have had two strong braxton hicks just whilst typing this post!!

Well, I'm off to make a cake for DP's lunches (he's gotta work tomorrow and Saturday and I'll probably eat the rest of it!!) and sort out tea.

See  you soon for the next post!!! :  D


  1. I still cannot believe you guys are sitting on the edge now...ready to jump in! Your little one is fully baked now and ready to go whenever! How EXCITING is that!?? You've done so awesomely this pregnancy with everything that you've had to go through. You deserve every bit of this little one. :-) xxxx

  2. Thanks GS! I never thought I deserved anything this special but seriously cannot wait!! And then the good deliveries will just keep coming!!! I know for sure that all the SWB group will get there..... I just KNOW it!!!! : D xxx
