As the name of this title suggests, it's hard not to know or be told third hand about someone who is having/has just had a baby!!!
Of course there are the lovely SWB girls who have either reached D-Day or are fast approaching.....
I had to ring work just before and the lady I was talking to was telling me her daughter in law had her baby this morning (12 days over!!) a little boy. Also another girl in that office had a baby on Friday and she was due two days before me - a little girl.
My friend L had her baby yesterday and she was due three days after me. A little boy who weighed 5lb9oz. Just a cute little one! I only saw her last week at the OB. She'd had to finished up work the week earlier than she'd planned to due to high blood pressure. Initially I thought maybe they'd induced her due to this fact, but it was all natural with L waking in the early hours of yesterday in a wet patch after her waters broke. He little man came into the world just before lunchtime.
I'm so happy to hear all this good news and it's all so exciting! Boy, it DOES make you a little nervous though, knowing that it really COULD happen now at any time!!!
Got my next OB appt on Wednesday and I'm interested to see what is said about bub's position etc. I'm not expecting much in the way of exciting news but an update will be nice.
I checked my cervix again this morning (the second time in about a week I think!!) even though I don't think you're supposed to (but I DID clean hands thoroughly) and couldn't even reach it!!! I think that means nothing is close to happening yet?? According the books I've read, as labour approaches the cervix gets low and soft but I think when you can't reach it, that means it could be a while off yet. Although, according to What to Expect when You're Expecting, you may not be able to feel it one day and then go into labour the next day! So I'm not putting too much stock in it! Just curious......
Still loads of braxton hicks and continuing to get stronger. Not much else to write home about though. Definitely don't think I'm as high as what I was cause I'm not as full when I eat etc.
No stretch marks yet either but don't want to mention that again cause I'll jinx myself.....
Still taking the raspberry leaf tablets each day and also on the Bio Iron and my normal blackmores pregnancy tablets. Still craving ice to a certain degree but noticably less!
Well, gotta go and get some washing off the line so I at least feel like I'm doing something for the day!!! : D
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