So, I'm not quite as down and depressed as I was last time I wrote on here. Was even surprised myself how upset I was about NanaK's loss. It's made worse by the fact that we have followed right through TTC, shared the excitement of a BFP and then watched as it all crumbled around her. I just feel so horrible and helpless and whilst I KNOW she will be ok and everything will turn out wonderfully for her, it has hit pretty close to home.....
I've been feeling pretty good too most of the time. MS all but gone now I think. Still a few foods I can't stand the smell of - like steamed broccoli, cooking lamb etc as long as I keep my blood sugar fairly stable I don't feel too bad. Oh, and get plenty of sleep. I find if I'm over tired, I just fall in a hole and don't want to do anything!!!
Went to the gym three times last week (can't remember if I wrote that last time!) and I'm off to Combat again tonight. Have made a pact with one of my best friends that we would go 4 nights this week so that might be tough but will do my best! I haven't told this friend about my pg yet as she's been away and I wanted to get closer to 12 weeks to tell her. I will tell her at the gym tonight and hopefully she will be happy! She might get upset as I'm the person who got her going to gym classes in the first place and kick her butt if she slacks off!! She might have to do the butt kicking from now on!
Well, got sidetracked at work so it's now hometime! Well, gym time actually!! See you next time!
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