Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 11, 2010

Scan day

So went to SJOG hospital today for my 34 week scan. And let me say it was nothing short of mind blowing!!! The most amazing thing I have seen to date....
It was pretty much your standard scan to check the position of my placenta (even though the ob said it had moved a while back they just wanted to confirm it's position). Anyway, placenta was confirmed completely clear of my cervix which was nice to see and gave me that extra piece of mind.
Then the sonographer proceeded to check other bits and pieces... Heart beat - that little thing pounding away beautifully, kidneys, bladder, stomach, head circumference, length of one of the femurs, and all was perfect. They estimated bub to be approximate five and a half pounds or so and about 46cm long!! It's really not very far off it's birth stats I guess! They say they grow about 1cm per week from now until birth, so if that's correct then bub should be born about 51cm long (at term anyway) and my guess for weight is somewhere between seven and a half pounds and eight pound two.
So then we just checked out features of bub. Wow, the scans are amazing at this many weeks gestation... It's not so skinny now so you could see it's chubby little cheeks and it's full little Cupid bow lips and button nose. Parents are Always biased but it was hard not to think how gorgeous it looked!!! It yawned and stuck it's tongue out and then started sucking on it's fingers!! And then something that took my amazement to a whole new level.... Bub appeared to open it's eyes!!!! We could actually see the eyes moving around!! It was only for about three seconds but enough to seriously blow mine and dp completely away!!! My student midwife was also there at the scan and she said she'd never seen that before!!
We tried for ages to get pics on 3D but it was too hard. Apparently they are better done earlier in pregnancy but at this point they are just too hard to see anything clearly. Of course I was a bit disappointed but to be honest, the 2D ones at this late in the pregnancy and so clear anyway!!
Nearly fainted on the table about half way through so hadto turn on my side and have a glass of water but then I got the sonographer to tilt the table up a bit and I was fine again!
Well, off for a shower now. Will add pics tomorrow when I figure out how to get them off the disc!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:My lounge

1 comment:

  1. eeeeee!!! I'm soooo excited for you! It sounds like SUCH a fantastic scan! I can't wait 4 weeks for mine!!! So glad your little bub is doing so well!! Not long to go now!!!!!
